In fact, for many users it may even be worth triggering the migration of what might only be a handful of images in order to get the free cloud storage space.
Samsung and Microsoft have been getting closer over the last few years, with pre-installs of Office, with the whole 'Your Phone' integration, to name but two tie-ups, and the move to OneDrive has been public knowledge for a year. But we're now seeing warning notices on Samsung's Android phones, as shown below:
See the notification from Samsung Cloud - 10 days left to migrate, and then two months until all media and documents will be deleted; (right) tapping through gives more detail - note that all this doesn't affect the backup of PIM and other personal data, which will carry on to Samsung's servers.
There's a 'Connect' page and confirmation screen, to make sure that Samsung's software can write the 'new' files to OneDrive.
Followed by a confirmation of your Microsoft 365 status. In my case, I'm already a subscriber, but anyone else would see confirmation of the extra 15GB storage and - probably - an advert(!) I suspect that I now get 1TB plus 15GB, but as I'm only currently using about 300GB, it's neither here nor there!
OneDrive on Android has in fact come on a long way in recent months, with Personal Vault and easy Office scanning; (right) confirmation that my Samsung Gallery photos are indeed now in OneDrive, here's part of the dedicated 'album'.
In the wake of their own (sadly) failed mobile ventures, Microsoft does seem to have done a good job at integrating their software services into the largest smartphone maker on the planet (by sales). If you've been playing with, or using, a Samsung smartphone then do note the above and be happy with the extra space and new integration with your favourite cloud backup service.